Winter Beach Mama!

Friday, January 27, 2012 | |

Sometimes photo sessions don't exactly go according to plan.  I try and prepare as much as possible for a photo shoot, but I am still left in a situation I couldn't have foreseen.  I met up with Marnie and her husband-to-be for a winter beach session.  It was incredibly windy, wavy and foamy down at Goose Spit.  However, we did manage to hit literally the only place in the Valley with a tiny spot of sunshine.  We had a lot of fun during our session, but when I got home and looks at the images, a lot of them seemed foggy.  The salt in the air had left a residue on my lens as we were shooting and although I continually wiped, I was not pleased with the number of usable images we ended up with.  This couple had traveled from the North Island, but luckily when I contacted them, they were up for Round Two before they headed back home!  The images I posted are from both of the days.

I felt a lot better about the end result after we had the chance to capture more images the following day!

Thanks so much for allowing me a second shot and I sincerely hope you are pleased with the results!

Meg - Hot Mama out in the Cold!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012 | |

I've been totally enjoying all of my adventures up the mountain with clients - including the three maternity sessions I have done up there over the last month or so!  The women have all been fearlessly fantastic baring their bellies in sub zero temperatures.

This time I headed up Mount Washington with Meg, Cris and soon-to-be big sister, Tai (so beautiful, you'll see).  At times the snow was pelting us from a 90 degree angle, but it was still fun :)  In the end, I think we were all pretty cold and wet, but hopefully gorgeous mama Meg and her family will think that it was worth the chill :)  

Thanks for being so cool guys (Haha.  Pun intended)

Baby Nicholas

Wednesday, January 18, 2012 | |

Nicholas arrived just in time for Christmas and his parents seemed pretty pleased with their Christmas gift.  It was a little tricky to coax little Nicholas into his happy, sleepy place - but he eventually went there :)  If you missed Maggie and Allan's maternity session, check it out here.

I can't wait for our session when Nicholas is 6 months old, he's going to be such a cutie!

Taylor Family

Tuesday, January 17, 2012 | |

The weather for my last session of 2011 followed suit with the majority of my outdoor sessions last year.  Basically it was all over the place from rain to blinding sun all in a very short time frame!

I met up with the Taylor family for and we had to work quickly as the attention span of a one year old is sometimes a little short :)  We ended our session earlier than what I would normally allow for a shoot, so I am hoping that mama Michelle got the shots that she was hoping for!

Thanks so much Taylor family!

Lineker Family

Thursday, January 12, 2012 | |

As the Lineker family came together over the holiday season, they arranged a photo session while everyone was in the Valley.  I was SO impressed with all of the grandchildren who were able to remain focused enough to capture the large group photos which we opted to do first.  Sure they started to get bored by the end, but almost all kids do!  It was a sunny, but COLD day.  This session included such adventures as; sitting on frosty cold rocks and me literally falling backwards onto the ground.  I know a few of you out there have witnessed similar episodes via my lack of grace :)

Thanks to the Lineker family for smiling through the cold!

James & Family

Tuesday, January 10, 2012 | |

I photographed gorgeous little James back in February when he was brand new.  It was a treat for me to have the opportunity to photograph him and his family again just before Christmas.  Arielle and Rob have seemingly hit the jackpot with a baby that sleeps in until 10:30 daily and just needs to look at the family dog to giggle endlessly :)

Thanks again to James, Arielle and Rob!

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